Memorial Service / Dance Danny Romo: Sunday, Oct. 1
The Danny Romo Tribute Memorial Service / Dance will be held on Sunday, Oct. 1, 5:00-8:00 PM. Dancing is optional.
Location is: Farmer's Branch Senior Center:
14055 Dennis Ln., Farmers Branch, TX 75234
No cost to attend. Videos of Danny Romos CW band will be shown.
Contributions via would be appreciated.
Description for Danny:
Fundraiser for Kari Romo by Valeria Navarrete : Help for Danny Romo’s Family - Cancer Battle
Help for Danny Romo’s Family - Cancer Battle, organized by Valeria Navarrete
Hi family & friends, we are reaching out to you all with hope in our hearts
Hi family & friends, we are reaching out to you all with hope in our hearts yet great sense of urgency. Our family member Danny Romo, also known as Jesse Daniel Romo - a husband, father, brother, cousin and uncle to us all has been battling a long and hard fight with stage 4 stomach cancer.
For those who do not know of me, I am the daughter of Anna Romo & I'm assisting with this Go Fund campaign for my uncle Jesse on behalf of his wife, Kari Romo and his 2 sons. Below is a message from his sisters in regards to his journey and our support we are reaching out to you all for with gratitude in our hearts.
“Dear Family & Friends .
I hope everyone is doing fine and all is well.
As many of you know, our brother Danny Romo has been suffering with stage 4 stomach cancer since the year 2021. Although Danny has undergone chemotherapy over the last 18 months his health has not improved much. The cancer did fall into remission for a while but only 2 months . Danny had to restart chemo again but this second time around has been very difficult for him. He has been in and out of the hospital over the past few months ,suffering from excruciating stomach pains , weakness and no will to eat. After many personal conversations with doctors and surgeons, it has been recommended that he consider going on hospice as there is nothing more that can be done for him. This news has brought great depression onto my brother and to all our family.I would like to ask for your prayers to help my brother regain his strength and to bring him comfort. It’s been very difficult to watch our brother suffer and to see another family member go through so much agony and distress while fighting the cancer.
In order to help support Danny and his family ,we have decided to start a Go fund me campaign to help him financially with all the accrued Medical expenses that exist and those that are forthcoming . Please consider donating. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated, no matter the size of donation.
If you are unable to support financially , please consider sharing this campaign with your family and friends and social platforms. Our family appreciates all your prayers and we thanks you from the bottom of our hearts for your support for our Brother and his family.
Sending blessings to each and every one of you, The family of Jesse Daniel Romo.”DonateShare
Valeria NavarreteOrganizerDallas, TX
Kari RomoBeneficiaryContact
DANCE LESSONS UPDATE: Private and Group dance lessons will be offered at the Heights Rec. Ctr. in Richardson, Texas. For information, go to the DANCE LESSONS-Richardson page from the menu on this website.
Private Dance Lessons, Sunday thru Saturday (70 min.), 1:00 PM or later, by Appointment:
3 Week Group Lessons are held:
Sundays: Jan.26, Feb. 2 and Feb. 9, 2025:
s0112S13W: DANCE LESSONS USA: Swing Dance; East Coast Swing
50112S23W: DANCE LESSONS USA: Country-Western Dance; 3-Step
3 WEEK Group Lessons will be HELD:
Sundays: Feb, 16, 23 and March 2, 2025:
50203S23W DANCE LESSONS: USA Ballroom Dance; Rumba
Rumba is the " dance of love "
Dance the rumba to celebrate valentin's month!
SUNDAYS: fEB. 16, 23 AND mAR 2, 2025
50202S13W DANCE LESSONS USA: Swing Dance; West Coast Swing
For more info go to: cor.NET/ParksOnline , Click on SEARCh AND Search by usa
To view all the social dance lessons offered at richardson, heights rec. center
Dances Taught include:
CW Dances: 2-Step, 3-Step, Progressive Swing (aka: Progressive Double 2-Step), Waltz, Fort Worth Shuffle, Petros shuffle
Ballroom Dances: Fox Trot, Waltz, Rumba, Cha-Cha, Night Club Slow, Bolero, Tango
Swing Dances: Jitterbug (single time swing), East Coast Swing, Progressive Swing, West Coast Swing, Push, Hustle
Latin Dances: RUMBA, cHA-CHA, BOLERO, Salsa, Bachata, Merengue
Wedding Dances: Rumba, Nightclub Slow, Bolero, etc.
For more info, email to:
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